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Terms of Service

Terms of service

  1. Absolutely no liability is accepted for any of the software available on this website, or otherwise supplied by OpenGlobal, for any damage, howsoever caused.
  2. You acknowledge that you have recent, up to date, backups of all data. No liability is accepted for loss of data, caused through installation of (or use of) any software available from OpenGlobal, even if the software has been installed by OpenGlobal.
  3. You may cancel your support payments at any time through the PayPal interface. However, if you wish to receive further support or download the software again, you will need to recommence your support payments, including the initial fee. You are advised to only cancel your support payments after you are confident that the software is working satisfactorily on no more support will be required.
  4. Requests for refunds of the subscription fee because you did not realise it there was a subscription fee, or because you forgot to cancel it will not be entertained.